星期六, 4月 17, 2004

Taiwan.CNET.com : iPod會重蹈Mac的覆轍嗎?

Taiwan.CNET.com : iPod會重蹈Mac的覆轍嗎?


另外一個有趣的議題是文章後面的敘述,當Pixar拒絕與Disney繼續合作之後,讓Disney回頭去擁抱微軟。雖然說Disney的狀況也不甚佳,但是盟友不多的Apple要如何面對愈來愈多的競爭者(不管在軟硬體哪一個領域都是),Jobs看來有得傷腦筋了。但是,由Jobs掌舵的Apple能夠在目前的成功(iPod+iTunes)後記取以往失敗(Consumer PC market)的教訓嗎?我們等著看好了。
Wired blog:cult of Mac
"According to the Associated Press, Jobs earlier this week told The Wall Street Journal, "The iPod already works with the No. 1 music service in the world, and the iTunes Music Store works with the No. 1 digital-music player in the world," he said. "The No. 2s are so far behind already. Why would we want to work with No. 2?"

