星期五, 12月 31, 2004

Welcome to Gmail, 2005

Welcome to Gmail

8 個Gmail名額放送,請留言索取

Wireless Media Player

D-Link MediaLounge DSM-320 gets honored by CES 2005 Future Technology News technology Review DivX TV Player: I-O Data Avel LinkPlayer 2 AVLP2/DVDLA Future Technology News technology Review

這些造型各異的機器都有個共通點,他們都是利用無線網路來傳輸電腦裡面可觀賞的影片與照片、音樂,在機器端都會內建MPEG 2 解碼器,支援MPEG4的能力則視各家廠商使用的解碼晶片而異。但是當看到開始有許多廠商切入這一市場時,就可以期待這些裝置的價格將會迅速地滑落到五千以下甚至是和DVD player一樣的價錢(或是乾脆和DVD Player整合成同一台多媒體播放裝置)。微軟以前Mira想要做到的事情,現在能有不同的裝置達到同樣的效果,證實了潮流與趨勢往往是對的,但是它出現的狀況可能不會是你以前認為的那樣(網路電腦就是個好例子)

how-to record on your ipod (for free) - hack a day - www.hackaday.com

how-to record on your ipod (for free) - hack a day - www.hackaday.com


1. 在你的ipod上安裝 Podzilla (並不支援所有的iPod世代).
2. 在你的iPod上從Linux開機
3. 從Extras > Recordings, 選擇 8,32,44.1,88.2 或是 96kHz ,愈高代表愈好的錄音品質
4. 從耳機孔插入麥克風錄音,或是也可以由耳機來錄音
5. 從你的iPod OS開機進入,錄音的檔案會在"Recording"的資料夾中

嗯,iPod Linux Project 的簡介蠻有趣的,轉貼如下:

Unfortunately the iPod is considered a "closed platform" by Apple, and technical info is virtually non-existant. This project has involved a fair amount of guesswork, reverse-engineering and experimentation, resulting in a Linux kernel based on the uClinux (http://www.uclinux.org) port running on the iPod. We hope that this port of Linux to the iPod inspires others to see what their "closed platform" hardware can do!

Due to the highly collaborative nature of this project, we decided to use a WIKI for our documentation. Its goal is to provide a strong structure of accurate documentation for this exciting, rapidly-expanding project. For a quick listing of the WIKI's contents, goto Special:Allpages. If you see anything that you want to change, feel free to do so! Don't be afraid of messing something up, all changes are backed up and can be reverted.

We would like to thank our many Contributors for their hard work in developing the project, and writing the documentation you find on this site. We can never have too much documentation!



星期一, 12月 27, 2004

Feel sorrow about the disaster












查詢電話:(02)2321-2362 # 18


星期五, 12月 24, 2004

Pilkington Activ Self-Cleaning Glass


Pilkington Activ Self-Cleaning Glass is coated in a chemical layer that reacts with ultra-violet rays from daylight to disintegrate organic dirt. Then when rain or water hits the glass, it simply takes the dirt with it.

The substances in the glass are normal household chemicals, and the huge reduction in spray-and-wipe cleaning supplies adds up to a greener window.

Merry Christmas!!


Roodo Blog



星期二, 12月 21, 2004

Taiwan.CNET.com : PHP緊急漏洞需修補

Taiwan.CNET.com : PHP緊急漏洞需修補

"軟體開發社群PHP Group在網站上發佈升級程式,修正了數個可能使駭客攻擊PHP 伺服器的危急漏洞。
上周,PHP Group發佈了PHP 4.3.10和5.0.3版 ,修正了PHP 中存在的部分漏洞。該組織在其網站上表示,「我們強烈建議所有PHP 用戶盡快升級到這二個版本之一。」
在這次修正的漏洞中,最危急的漏洞在一個用來壓縮儲存資料的函數中。據發現該漏洞的Hardened-PHP組織表示,若伺服器執行了這個有漏洞的PHP軟體版本,則駭客就能控制該網頁伺服器。 "

昨天才看這新聞,今天就看到被人hack掉的網頁,現在的網路漏洞和攻擊之間的時間差已經縮減到幾天的時間了,以往那種安裝、設定好伺服器就可以高枕無憂的年代早已遠去,相信最近很多Host Service都在進行PHP的升級。應該會有不少的受害者,而且重點是若沒有備援或備份的話,資料可能就會這樣一去不復返了。


Net worm using Google to spread
"A Web worm that identifies potential victims by searching Google is spreading among online bulletin boards using a vulnerable version of the program phpBB, security professionals said on Tuesday. "
"The worm sends Google a specific search request, essentially asking for a list of vulnerable sites. Armed with the list, the worm then attempts to spread to those sites using a PHP request designed to exploit the phpBB bulletin board software.
The worm is the latest twist on using Google as an attack tool, a practice known as Google hacking. It may also be the first time a program used Google to identify victims for an attack. Around 6 million sites appear to be running the phpBB software, according to a search of Google for the phrase "Powered by phpBB"--an acknowledgment appended to the bottom of any site that uses the software. "
"After it has taken over a site, the worm deletes all HTML, PHP, active server pages (ASP), Java server pages (JSP), and secure HTML pages, and replaces them with the text, "This site is defaced!!! This site is defaced!!! NeverEverNoSanity WebWorm generation X," according to Kaspersky. For "X," the worm inserts a number representing how far the current instance of the program is descended from the original worm release. MSN searches have found 24th generations of the worm. "

這篇新聞的譯稿:借助Google找目標 Santy.a肆虐網路公告板

看來搜尋引擎正如同水一樣,能載舟亦能覆舟,端看怎麼運用。要拿它來做壞事也不是辦不到的事情。 不過很高興看到Google很快的做出了回應
"On Wednesday, a Google spokesperson told ZDNet Australia that though Google users were not at risk from Santy, the search company had started blocking attempts by the worm to replicate. "




Taiwan.CNET.com : BitTorrent檔案交換網路面臨危機

Taiwan.CNET.com : BitTorrent檔案交換網路面臨危機


"有些線上的網站已經開始努力要整合BitTorrent及RSS(Really Simple Syndication)的新聞交換連結技術(feed technology),做為散播影音內容的新方式。Cohen表示,已經即將發表新版的改良技術,同時他也會把多數時間用在如何讓這項技術成為主流。"



星期五, 12月 17, 2004

Benq Joybee 720

iRiver H10或是Creative Zen Micro不同的地方在於這似乎是一款以照片為訴求的MP3 player,相較於iPod Photo,BenQ這台多了可以讀SD、MMC卡上相片檔案的功能以及收音機。一樣是使用5GB的微型硬碟、從圖片看不出來是否為觸控式感應板(從iPod開始、Muvo、iRiver、Samsung通通都用了觸控式面板),有可能只是平板式按鍵(可惜了)。但是我始終不滿意的就是售價,當iPod photo有著40GB容量賣499美金(一萬六台幣),雖然沒有讀卡功能,但是起碼有著40Gb的肚量。我們看一下同樣是使用微型硬碟的其他Player,創巨的Zen Micro只賣249美金(八千台幣),iPod mini也是八千多。雖然說彩色螢幕需要比較多的成本,但是同樣可以看照片的iRiver定價才一萬一,雖然沒有讀卡功能,但是令人印象深刻的12小時電池壽命,以及號稱比iPod好的音質。我想考慮這台的人應該是要想一下是否有SD讀卡的需求,以及願意為這樣的功能多付出幾千塊的代價。

附帶一提,創巨的Zen Micro除了FM、錄音以外,還有Address book、Calendar、todolist。

Samsung YH-820 hits the streets in Korea

說真的,Samsung這台4GB的Mp3 Player並不會特別突出,因為競爭者的價錢比它更便宜,功能更多,唯一勝出的大概只有彩色螢幕而已,377美金的價錢會讓它很難跟Creative Zen Micro競爭。同樣的硬碟容量,一樣具有FM收音機功能。不同於iRiver或是Benq的可以看照片或讀卡,實在覺得沒什麼太大的吸引力。

I4U News - JVC Everio GZ-MC200 Digital Camcorder Review

I4U News - JVC Everio GZ-MC200 Digital Camcorder Review: "has something that made me shell out the money. Read below if the JVC Everio GZ-MC200 lives up to my expectations"
JVC everio gz-mc200 review gz-mc100 digital small camcorder 4gb hard-drive micro drive test low price JVC everio gz-mc200 review gz-mc100 digital small camcorder 4gb hard-drive micro drive test low price

JVC這台Digital Camcorder最吸引人的地方應該是在於直接MPEG2壓縮(聲音還有AC3哦),並且以MicroDrive儲存,也就是說,可以把檔案直接用來作為DVD的素材而不需轉檔,這點比起DV來得方便許多(不過根據測試,透過USB2.0傳輸4GB檔案仍需耗時28分鐘)。不過缺點就是在於可錄的時間了,使用最好的模式之下(720x576 pixels 8.5mbit/s)在4GB的Microdrive中只能錄影一小時(而這也是電池的可持續使用時間)。因此這台的定位應該在於拍攝短片或是簡短的快照用,並不能拿來作為長時間拍攝記錄的用途。若是出外旅遊,那實在是會讓人感覺這台機器很沒檔頭,但是若是要作為即時製作DVD或是即時剪接,那這台就是超好用,可以節省許多轉檔的時間。至於照相功能,就不要要求太多了吧。

iRiver H10 is out!

• 5gb, 1-inch hard drive
• 1.5-inch color LCD/ 1.5吋彩色液晶螢幕
• voice recording/ 可錄音
• FM radio /FM收音機
• View photos and text/可以看照片與文字檔案
• Touch-style controller (like Zen Touch)/觸控式面板
• 12 hours playback/ 12小時電池使用時間
• Removeable battery /可更換電池
• 96 x 55 x 15mm
• Available in 4 colors/四種顏色
• On sale Dec.22 at $344 USD /12/22起韓國國內發售,折合台幣約11000出頭

Samsung's 102-inch plasma TV

Samsung 102-inch plasma TV

星期四, 12月 16, 2004

formZ 5

form·Z 5.0 includes a variety of new features and also incorporates version 4.5, which was only released to a group of beta testers and plugin developers. V. 4.5, first and foremost, offered the new API technology and script language of form·Z. During the beta testing effort, many features initially planned for v. 5.0 were also completed.This development led to the release of v. 5.0 simultaneously with v. 4.5.

form·Z 5.0 is the first native OS X version and represents the end of support for the classic MacOS operating system. It requires OS X 10.2 or later. It also supports Windows XP, 2000, NT, ME and 98. Windows 95 is no longer supported.

Application Programming Interface
and form·Z Script Language

The API technology and the script language of form·Z are both methods that invite the user to develop his or her own extensions to the program. This can be done either through a plugin that is developed outside of form·Z or through a script that is developed using form·Z's own editing environment.

A plugin is written in the C or C++ computer language and is compiled into a binary library. A script is written in the form·Z script language (FSL), which is a simplified version of the C language. It is intended for a novice programmer who may get started with adding extensions to form·Z without having to set up a complete C or C++ based development environment. Once a script has been written, it is generally fairly straightforward to convert the FSL code of the script to real C or C++ code for use in a plugin.

The form·Z API provides access to much of the form·Z functionality including modeling operations, interface elements, data access, memory management and math functions. The API supports nine types of extensions: custom attributes, file translators, object types, renderers, commands, palettes, RenderZone shaders, tools, and utilities. All of these are available for plugin development. The latter five are also available for scripts. The API includes over 3,000 functions which are explained through an HTML based on line documentation and a PDF based developer guide. The form·Z 5.0 package contains a number of ready to run examples for scripts and plugins that are expected to prove valuable as learning resources. auto.des.sys expects that savvy users will take full advantage of the plug-in and scripting capabilities to add their unique personal enhancements to the power of form·Z.


• The functionality of the Paste From Modeling... and Paste From Drafting commands in the Edit menu have been expanded and the ability to transfer information directly from one window to another (without going through the clipboard) is now provided, through a newly introduced list of windows where selections can be made.

• The Select By... item of the Edit menu has been extended with more categories for selection, the ability to define multiple selection sets, and the ability to save the selection criteria with a project.

• The font support in form·Z has been improved and is now more compatible with the font control supported by third party software and the operating systems. This has affected the Project: Fonts options set in the Preferences dialog invoked from the Edit menu.

OpenGL renderings that are produced by the
Interactive Shaded item of the Display menu,
now have the ability to include Shadows and are much more interactive as they are executed
smoothly in real time.
• A new line renderer, called Doodle, has been introduced in the Display menu. It produces
line drawings that look like quick hand-drawn

An Interactive Shaded renderingwith and without shadows.

Hidden line based Doodle renderingsusing different default styles

• The new item Attributes... in the Options menu now allows a user to define custom attributes. A complete dialog based environment where attributes can be listed, defined, edited, and/or revised is also provided.

Information Management is another new item in the Options menu. It allows you to articulate the information of the attributes, to produce lists or spreadsheets and to compose records or bills of materials. These capabilities support form·Z's BIM (Building Information Modeling)

• A few enhancements have been made to the export/import procedures that affect mostly how text, textures, and surface styles are imported and how facetted shapes are exported. Also, adjustments have been made to the Art•lantis, DXF, and DWG formats.

• A new menu, called Extensions, has been introduced before the Help menu. It contains the items: Extensions Manager..., Run Utility..., Run Recent Utility, and Use Script Debugger. They support the script editor and the execution of utility types of plugins and scripts. At the end of the menu, a list of installed plugins appear and can be run from there. Also, a new type of window, the Script Editing window, has been introduced. These interface changes are discussed in full detail in the introductory chapter of the form·Z SDK Manual.

(click on the images to zoom in)

• Four new primitives of ruled parametric surfaces have been introduced: paraboloid, single hyperboloid, double hyperboloid, and hyperbolic paraboloid.

Paraboloid, Single hyperboloid, Double hyperboloid, Hyperbolic paraboloid

• The Star tool, which is a plugin, has been introduced in the Balls palette. It produces 3D solid stars.

Star objects created from
different base types

• A new plugin, the Frame tool, has been added. It derives frame like structures by converting the edges of an object into round beams and its vertices into spheres, all of which are unioned together into a single solid.

Frame objects

• A new plugin tool that generates new detailed screws/bolts has been introduced next to the previous screws/bolts.

Gear teeth with pressure angle
at various degrees

• A new plugin tool that generates accurate gears has been introduced.

• Two new options have been added to the Sweep tool: the ability to join coplanar faces and the ability to generate axial and two-source sweeps from source shapes that are already positioned at the end or ends of a path.

• A new type of sweep, called draft sweep, has been introduced. It generates sweep objects using draft angles and mathematical formulas, which drastically extends the repertoire of the sweeps.

Draft Sweeping a circle along a helix
using predefined functions sine,
cosine, half-sine, and half-cosine.

• A new Formula Curve tool has been added and offers the ability to generate curves from preset or user provided mathematical formulas.

Examples of predefined
formula surfaces

• A new Formula Surface tool has been added and offers the ability to generate surface objects from standard formulas as well as a variety of well known mathematical types, such as Mobius Strip, Catalan, Catenoid Helicoid, Enneper, Henneberg, Monkey Saddle, Whitney Umbrella, Steinbach Screw, and Shoe Surface. It also allows a user to generate a custom defined surface from his/her own formula.

• Stitches produced by the Trim/Split and Stitch tools can now be smoothly rounded in addition to the previously available polygonal rounding.

Smooth parametric text can now be generated by the Text Place tool, in addition to the previously available polygonal text. The importation and management of the text fonts has also been drastically simplified.

• The Query Attributes dialog has been significantly extended and revised to accommodate the newly introduced attribute types.

• Two new tools, Object Doctor and Project Doctor, have been introduced. They either simply detect irregularities found on an object or project, or they repair them, whenever possible. The option to preview the irregularities in a preview dialog is also available.

• Objects can now be cloned when copied and placed. Cloned objects follow the behavior of one of their members, when operations, such as geometric transformations, are applied to it. Information about clones is now offered in the Query Object dialog and a new tool, called Unclone, has also been implemented and is useful for undoing cloning.

• A new Replace tool now makes it possible to easily replace groups of objects with a single operation. This facilitates the use of low resolution objects as place holders during early stages of model development, which can then be easily replaced with the real detailed objects at the end of the process.

• A new Copy Attributes tool has been introduced and can be used to selectively copy many attributes from one object to one or more other objects.


form·Z RenderZone 5.0 is based on LightWorks v. 7.4, which, in addition to a number of bug fixes, contains a few new rendering features, as follows:

Additional types of maps can now be used with spherical and cubic environments to produce reflections. Cubic environments can now be defined using a single image map that is a composite of six images, one for each side of the cube. In previous versions the six maps had to be separate. Spherical environments can now be defined using a spherical image map, in addition to the previously available panoramic map. A spherical map can be thought of as a 3D panorama that expands to the complete surface of a sphere.

• A new type of light, the environment light, has been introduced. With this type of light images that may be mapped on an environment act themselves like lights, which results in more accurate lighting effects. Also, a new simple method for defining atmospheric effects of distant lights has been added.

A scene rendered five times, each time with a different environment light.

• In support of the new environment light, two new image formats, namely HDRI and OpenEXR are now supported. Lighting oriented images in these formats are available and can be downloaded from the Internet. At the same time, images in any format can be used with the environment lights.

In addition to the new enhancements provided by LightWorks, a few more have resulted from the new API release, as follows:

• A variety of shaders that have been implemented as plugins have been added and can be selected from pop up menus as all the other shaders. In addition to their functionality, they offer examples of how the shader repertoire can be extended and customized by writing either one?s own plugins or scripts.




星期二, 12月 14, 2004

MMCmicro by Samsung

News & Pics form Engadget

主要是基於MMC或是以MMC為標準的技術,但是MMCmicro甚至比RS-MMC(MMC的迷你版)還小 。MMCmicro的主要應用為手機以及智慧型手機的擴充記憶體。Samsung預計於明年初開始大量製造MMCmicro,初期容量有 32、64、128MB三種

大概就是指甲那麼大而已,It's so cute!!

MSN Toolbar Suite Beta: with docuements search

Find anything, anywhere, fast with MSN Toolbar Suite

微軟於禮拜一推出桌面搜尋工具,可以搜尋本機的電子郵件以及附檔、Outlook、也可以搜尋作業系統中的檔案,如同Google的Desktop Search,微軟的Toolbar Suite也是同樣以網頁搜尋為主的技術來對於檔案進行搜尋。

MSN Toolbar和微軟作業系統以及應用程式的整合方面,除了IE以外,MSN Toolbar也整合至檔案總管、Outlook,以及系統工作列上。
MSN Deskbar
MSN Toolbar in Outlook

另外就是把其他的MSN服務(Messenger、Hotmail、MSN Space、MyMSN)綁在一起方便共同存取使用。
Toolbar location

同時,為了可以快速搜尋,微軟也增加了如同Google Desktop Search一樣的Indexing service(若開啟的話)

MSN Desktop Search Indexing Status
至於一些基本功能如Highlight搜尋關鍵字、阻擋pop-up,以MSN Search Engine進行網頁搜尋,自動填表、記憶線上密碼的功能當然也都有。
Block Pop-Up Ads with MSN Toolbar

但是,為什麼我還是覺得不知道那裡怪怪的?是因為目前只有支援英文的關係嗎?還是調整選項總有綁手綁腳的感覺呢?應該這樣說吧,我喜歡Google Toolbar和Blog this的整合。但是MSN整合太多東西了,你可以說這樣很好,但我卻覺得有點害怕當我們愈來愈倚賴這類整合性工具的時候(尤其是它又和作業系統整合跑File Indexing Service),若使用者不夠謹慎小心來管理自己的電腦以及網路安全存取,那麼無疑是將自己的隱私完整的雙手奉上。

另外,對於MSN與Google Desktop Search的比較,這邊有列表:

What Google has that MSN doesn't:
Deskbar has custom searches and API
Indexes AIM convesations
Has buttons for special searches, as opposed to only drop-down selection.
PageRank display
Advanced Google options (cache, translate, backlinks)

What MSN has that Google doesn't:
All the products are integrated, rather than a strange collection of disparate products
Can run Desktop Search from Toolbar and from Windows Explorer
Local Search
Mail notifier
IM statusGo to my MSN Space
More Form Fill options
Highlight search terms


CNET News related report:

星期五, 12月 10, 2004

Elisava Design Degree Show 2004

Graduating students from the Transportation Design Masters program at Spain's Elisava School of Design presented their work in the 2004 Degree Show entitled 'Mobility Techniques' held in July at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion, in Barcelona.

The projects shown are based on a wide vision of transportation design and take into consideration mobility, aerodynamics, environmental impact, ergonomics, legislation, materials, production, security, technology and aesthetic principles. They also aim to provide strategic solutions of design that can generate a new commercial and brand potential for industry.
