星期五, 10月 24, 2003

想要在Intel平台上跑Mac OS嗎?
Steve Jobs 才是你該去請求的人

Cnet專訪Craig Barrett,Intel的CEO,標題是Tech's challenges in government,但是其中有一段對話還蠻有趣的

「Cnet:Will Intel ever be able to crack Apple?
Barrett:We keep trying, but frankly it gets less and less interesting each year. When they were 10 percent of the market it was a more interesting issue. But at 2 percent of the market...our sales can blip 2 percent quarter on quarter, so we can shrink or grow by a couple of Apples. There are lots of interesting aspects in there. Steve (Jobs) is trying to appeal more to the Intel base. You might ask why he doesn't take his OS and try to compete in the other 98 percent of the market. But he doesn't choose to do that.
The OS X kernel runs just fine on Intel. Just a matter of the app stack to stick on top of that. But you'll have to talk to Steve about that. We just try to get design wins with these guys. 」
Barrett:我們很想,但老實說,這已經越來越沒趣了,當我們還只有10%的市佔率時,這議題對我們就挺重要的,但現在只剩2%市場,我們每一季銷售量都不只這數字。反而是Steve Jobs現在對Intel市場比較感興趣,你可去問他為何不敢拿他的OS來跟其他98%市場做競爭,他寧可不這麼做。
OS X核心可在英特爾架構上執行,只需要在應用堆疊上下點功夫即可,但這點你還得去說服Steve。」
「前蘋果執行長John Sculley曾表示,1980年代,蘋果差一點就與英特爾達成協議,使用價格低,但速度快的英特爾處理器。「這是蘋果電腦史上所犯下的最大失策。」Sculley最近如此感嘆。這個預言問題出在哪裡?若蘋果將作業系統移植到英特爾架構上,並直接在商店中販售作業系統,一定有廠商馬上跟進複製。即使蘋果以官司來壓制廠商,消費者還是可自己動手來,到時蘋果將面臨許多廉價對手的挑戰。」
