星期日, 10月 19, 2003


週六晚上看了這部電影,久久不能忘懷劇中的許多對白。衷心的希望大家有空可以去看這部電影,This is a good movie if u r interested about the truth of humanity. No matter humanity is good or bad with human natural, the movie provide director's point of view. By compressing scenes in stage with transparent set. director force audience to focus on the performance of actors. And also using asides, BGM and lights to form atmospheres of the "Dogville". 文以載道,電影要傳遞的是什麼呢。起碼Lars Von Trier傳達的是他對於人性的觀點與道德的掙扎,從上一部碧玉主演的"在黑暗中漫舞"的極度悲情,到這一部Dogville,導演更明確地表明了他的立場。Maybe u will not agree with him(especiall those who beilieve good side of human natural), but u can't deny some phenomenons he said are quite true and u wouldn't dare to face it directly. Because it hurts when u discover the truth. Anyway, it's a good movie that worth u to watch it in the theater(and it's good because u will finish it once and get shock without interruption u might have when u watch at home).在這部電影下檔之前去看看吧!
