星期四, 11月 13, 2003

Taiwan.CNET.com : 新聞專區 : 科技產業 : IBM:隨選運算已來臨

Taiwan.CNET.com : 新聞專區 : 科技產業 : IBM:隨選運算已來臨

@男士服飾零售商Ahlers,建立一個自助網站,讓它的零售商客戶可以快速取得產品資訊與追蹤訂單。Men's clothing retailer Ahlers, which set up a self-service Web site through which its retailers can quickly get product information and track orders
@耶誕節禮品公司Harry and David,安裝IBM的大型主機,Unix伺服器,以及英特爾伺服器,專門用來處理送禮旺季之前激增的流量尖峰。其每年的銷售有65%集中在十一月中旬至十二月下旬之間。
Swets Blackwell建立新的線上系統,讓客戶可以看到圖書館期刊資料庫裡即時回應的搜尋資訊。」

I have only one comment: What if the network is out of order? Do you have any backup plan? Will the plan work anytime??
How can you give ur car keys to others and hope he will always drive carefully?
Sometimes some computation can use "computation on-demand", but some are not. Especially your series business!!
We can't ask"What if you fail?" and expect the answer is "I won't!! "
Sounds familiar? true, except IBM will not be the one!! And real world is not the movie either.
