星期日, 10月 29, 2006

Sketch your furniture in the air


接著我想到的是AR(Augmented Reality),以及mixed reality,要知道在空間中畫什麼並呈現出來,你需要對空間的整體狀況進行定義,讓電腦能得知畫筆的位置與變化。因此mo-cap就是很好且成熟的方法,Mo-cap本來是用作捕捉人體動作的工具。許多知名動畫或好萊塢特效電影都經常使用Mo-cap的技術來表現人體動作。而利用Mo-cap來做空間中的速寫似乎也是個好主意,你可以很快的在實際空間中得到關於手繪物件的位置、高低、樣式,在螢幕上檢視整體的狀態。並且不會像AR一樣,沒有Marker時或鏡頭沒有照到時模型就消失。



Try it with fun. Don't take this too serious.(but be serious when it comes to business)
The Sketch Furniture project

The Sketch Furniture project in Japan is made in collaboration with Barry Friedman Ltd. Tokyo Wonder Site Aoyama and Crescent.

Motion Capture is a technique that translates motions into 3D-files. Motion capture is mostly used for animations in movies and computer games. Front have used the technique to simply record the tip of a pen when they draw pieces of furniture in the air. Rapid Prototyping is a technique that materializes 3D-files. A laser beam builds the 3D-file layer by layer within a liquid plastic material. Every 0.1mm the liquid harden by a laser beam. After a few hours, the 3D-files come out as materialized pieces.
