星期六, 2月 26, 2005


超屌啦!透明汽車輪胎咧! 完全不需要打氣,也不用擔心被釘子戳破輪胎,在路邊也不會被人惡意放氣啦!


Benefits of Tweel:
The heart of Tweel innovation is its deceptively simple looking hub and spoke design that replaces the need for air pressure while delivering performance previously only available from pneumatic tires. The flexible spokes are fused with a flexible wheel that deforms to absorb shock and rebound with unimaginable ease. Without the air needed by conventional tires, Tweel still delivers pneumatic-like performance in weight-carrying capacity, ride comfort, and the ability to "envelope" road hazards. Michelin has also found that it can tune Tweel performances independently of each other, which is a significant change from conventional tires. This means that vertical stiffness (which primarily affects ride comfort) and lateral stiffness (which affects handling and cornering) can both be optimized, pushing the performance envelope in these applications and enabling new performances not possible for current inflated tires. The Tweel prototype, demonstrated on the Audi A4, is within five percent of the rolling resistance and mass levels of current pneumatic tires. That translates to within one percent of the fuel economy of the OE fitment. Additionally, Michelin has increased the lateral stiffness by a factor of five, making the prototype unusually responsive in its handling.

Future of Tweel? Technology:For Michelin, Tweel is a long-term vision that represents the next step in a long path of industry-changing innovations. Fifty years ago, Michelin invented the radial tire and there is no question that radial tire technology will continue as the standard for a long time to come. Michelin continues to advance the performance of the radial tire in areas such as rolling resistance, wear life and grip. In the short-term, the lessons learned from Tweel research are being applied to improve those conventional tire performances. In the future, Tweel may reinvent the way that vehicles move. Checking tire pressure, fixing flats, highway blow-outs and balancing between traction and comfort could all fade into memory.

Firefox 1.01

Forefox 1.01版出了!有興趣的就按上圖前往下載頁面吧

Microsoft announces IE 7 internet explorer 7 Future Technology News technology Review

Samsung introduces push-to-all mobile teleconferencing

Samsung公開新的push-to-all (PTA) 手機,可以在手機上達到全球的多人視訊會議。
push-to-data :可以傳輸資料

主要的應用是希望讓商務溝通可以更即時,並降低商務旅行的花費。特別的是除了一般的電信網路以外,這項技術也可以在mobile Internet (WiBro: Wireless Broadband), 3G (W-CDMA) 以及無線網路上運作。

這也可以看作是對於LG在法國宣佈另一項 push-to-view 手機的技術領先回應吧

Fujifilm MP-70 mobile printer

Fujifilm MP-70 mobile printer
富士通的MP-70大概是目前最小的隨身無線印表機了吧,主要的訴求是透過紅外線傳輸將照相手機或PDA、筆記型電腦的照片列印出來,使用電池作為電力來源,可以輕易的放在口袋中,列印大小為2.4*1.8吋 ,預計2005年七月上市,售價是100美金。

2GB 的MP3 Player

Adamond將推出2GB的快閃記憶體Mp3 Player,有OLED顯示,有FM收音機功能,line-in直接錄音成MP3功能。不過在ipod mini價錢調降之後,這類快閃記憶體的mp3隨身聽能賣到幾多錢就很令人懷疑了,硬碟型mp3隨身聽還是有蠻高的吸引力的(以價錢與獲得的容量來比較的話)。不過這類機器的長時間使用就是硬碟型所不及的了。



Hasbro's "Tooth Tunes"


Plextor 的吸入式 PX-716AL


星期四, 2月 24, 2005

Apple - new iPod mini and iPod photo

The new iPod mini. 4GB and new 6GB models. Now starting at $199. Mac + PC.
令人失望的是沒有彩色螢幕,看來Apple將iPod系列的產品線定義得相當清楚。重要的改善主要是在電池使用時間增長為18小時。新的iPod mini有著6GB的容量,售價249美金,4GB版本售價199美金
iPod photo. Your music and 25,000 photos in your pocket. From $499. Mac + PC.
iPod Photo的30GB瘦身版,厚度縮減為1.6公分(60Gb版本為1.9公分),售價為349美金。新的重要選購配件為iPod camera connector(售價29美金,預計三月下旬供貨),可以用來連接數位相機並將照片傳至iPod Photo中。
iPod Camera Connector
iPod camera connector

星期一, 2月 21, 2005

Xerox 彩雷發表會上的Model(在韓國)


Sony Network Walkman NW-E505

SONY將推出的Network Walkman NEW-E505,重量只有37克,512MB容量,使用充電鋰電池,電池使用時間為50小時!以及快速充電功能(充電三分鐘可以使用2-3小時)!有著可顯示三行日文的OLED螢幕以及FM收音機功能。完全支援ATRAC3以及MP3格式!

不過還是要加油啦,這樣有質感的Mp3 Player早就該出來了

Mitsubishi DLP PocketProjector


Mitsubishi將會推出口袋型投影機( PocketProjector),使用Tri-LED DLP系統,解析度為800*600SVGA,燈泡使用壽命約為20,000 小時,有composite端子、S端子、D-Sub VGA輸入。除AC電源外,還可用選用電池或車用電源輸入。預計七月發售,價錢為699美金

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us



星期日, 2月 20, 2005

Google Toolbar 3 beta

Google Toolbar 3 beta

Google Toolbar 3 beta可以下載試試看,新增加了幾個功能:
  • 拼字檢查功能,檢查你在網頁表單中所打的字,拼字是否正確
  • 文字翻譯:可以把英文翻成其他語言
  • Autolink(僅適用美國):可以將門牌地址連結到線上地圖
  • 可以在任何一個網頁使用Google搜尋
  • 具有自動更新功能,更新將會自動安裝,就不用去找更新的版本了

星期四, 2月 03, 2005


Published by Gawker MediaLifehacker: http://www.lifehacker.com/ the life guideGridskipper: :http://www.gridskipper.com/ the urban travel guideKinja: http://www.kinja.com/ the weblog guideScreenhead: http://www.screenhead.com/ the mindless entertainment guideKotaku: http://www.kotaku.com/ the gamers' guideJalopnik: http://www.jalopnik.com/ a modern auto reviewFleshbot: http://www.fleshbot.com/ the contemporary porn reviewGizmodo: http://www.gizmodo.com/ the gadget guideDefamer: http://www.defamer.com/ the Hollywood gossip sheetWonkette: http://www.wonkette.com/ the D.C. gossip sheetGawker: http://www.gawker.com/ the Manhattan gossip sheet
Gawker Media儼然成為blog商業媒體化的最佳縮影,旗下已經有10個blog媒體分別專注於不同的主題,並且還可以相互之間拉抬聲勢。最近的新貨色就是Gridskipper,主要專注於便宜的自助旅行導覽 discount flights, chic hotels

另外就是Lifehacker也很不錯,介紹的一些小東西都蠻有趣的,嘖嘖,Gawker Media旗下的站像變形蟲一樣不斷的增生,說不定哪一天所有的食衣住行育樂方面都會有相關主題的blog........
Life Hacker的內容主要是介紹好康的下載、網站以及可以幫你節省時間的小撇步。剛剛稍微看了一下,蠻值得推薦每天去逛逛的。
Don't live to geek; geek to live.


From I4U News

JVC GZ-MC500,五百萬畫素(但不是真實解析度,是透過軟體提昇畫素),不過這可是世界最小的硬碟式3CCD Camcoder,一樣是使用4GB的微型硬碟來儲存MPEG2格式的影片,不過預期在2005年間會推出使用6GB以及8GB微型硬碟的同型號產品。

DV轉檔可能是很多人的惡夢,用了這台,再配上大一點的USB OTG隨身硬碟或讀卡機,應該可以簡化很多程序。當然若你對於品質要求很高,那麼這類已經是標準規格的DV Cam應該無法滿足你的眼睛。還是去用這台HD Cam吧,HD1080i的解析度再配上3CCD與Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T* Lens鏡頭應該可以滿足不少挑剔的眼睛

要挑畫質,就是這台了啦! 只要630,000日幣而已!

星期三, 2月 02, 2005

eleksen sensor

an ElekTex sensor can detect where it is being pressed and to a degree how hard it is being pressed. It does this by evaluating X, Y and Z axis measurements across and through the fabric sensor, using simple electronics and software. This means that the sensor's analogue output can be used to recognise contact, movement and gestures. For more basic functions the ElekTex sensor can also be used as a soft fabric switch.

The following diagram is a simplified illustration of ElekTex's multi-layered fabric construction.

ElekTex SensorGesture Control
Flexible Fabric ControlFabric Keyboard Interface

Bend Sensing

Eleksen's bend sensor offers an alternative fabric 'enabling' technology. Woven from conductive elastic, the bend sensor can measure the degree to which it has been bent and/or extended. It is in simple terms a fabric strain gauge.

Eleksen Bend SensorBend Sensing
This technology lends itself to applications requiring actions, such as pulling, bending, pushing and twisting. It has been successfully applied to applications such as toys and mobile games joysticks.

Moisture Sensing
Eleksen also offer the first fully textile moisture sensor. A recent addition to our fabric technology range, the moisture sensor has been developed to be fully washable and withstand harsh environments, such as those within the healthcare market.

Eleksen Moisture Sensor

星期二, 2月 01, 2005

simple solution

Apple 昇級版的Powerbook G4做了些小修改,老地方冰果室已經對於規格有所介紹,這邊就不再贅述。我有興趣的是Apple解決Scroll需求的方法可以是這麼簡單,簡單到會想要問別的筆記型電腦廠商:你們怎麼沒想到可以這樣做?或是,這麼好的方法,怎麼以前沒人提出來?或許我們都太習慣於垂直式思考或是類比式思考。在滑鼠增加了滾輪之後,很快的滾輪就成為瀏覽網頁、文件不可或缺的好伙伴。但是在尺寸受限的筆記型電腦上,要如何把滾輪的功能做進去呢?這點已經有非常多的廠商做過嚐試:
  1. SONY的 Joydial:在觸控板下方增加一滾輪用來作為上下捲動或是額外應用程式的選擇介面
  2. Panasonic的圓形touchpad:繞著圓形的Touchpad外圍劃圈圈,就等同於滾輪上下滾動
  3. 多加一個翹翹板:在touchpad左右鍵之間增加一個可往上與往下按的平板,用來作為上下捲動的按鈕
  4. IBM的Scroll Button:配合TrackPoint搭配使用,按住Scroll Button時,推動Track Point就可以上下捲動


