星期三, 10月 01, 2003

MIT OpenCourseWare | OCW Home

MIT OpenCourseWare | OCW Home線上學習與終身學習。這是一個很好的開始,有學院,而且是世界知名的學院願意把所有的課程分享出來。I beilieve it's a big step toward better education experience and method. By on-line course sharing, we can learn knowledge without any limitation. In the beginning, school is not for wealthy people or choosen few, knowledge belong to everyone who wants to learn. And through this demostration, I beilieve there will be more and more schools follow MIT's step. And we can see the style of future learning is changing into a different style. The traditionally classroom will change its form into various different shapes. It's gonna more and more interesting in the future.
